Aside from some small bug fixes here and there, the main change is that HBF can play levels by itself. They can be seen in the Demo menu.
Binaries and sources can be downloaded from SugarSync.
When adding color to sprites, shadow is no longer affected
Now game is able to play demos
I think that finally I caught a nasty bug. Lesson learned: don't internally use fields that you expose for user usage (for example Tag)
New enemy snowball that can freeze the floors when touched (getting smaller)
Many elements now have a shadow (like candle and door)
New bat sound
Pickups can be inactive, used for runes and coins from diamonds
Bubbles explode outside the water
Droid now can also bounce vertically
In order to unlock the achievement "finish with all lives" one must start from first level
Coins that vanish disappear via Warping
Pickups can be active/inactive
New achievement, finish HBF under 15 minutes
One can skip the sentence challenge with escape
System respects the banners order
Coins from Diamonds are affected by friction, and eventually, they stop
Runes don't move after they touch the floor
New soil freezing via snowball:
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