Binaries and sources can be downloaded from SugarSync.
- When adding color to sprites, shadow is no longer affected
- Now game is able to play demos
- I think that finally I caught a nasty bug. Lesson learned: don't internally use fields that you expose for user usage (for example Tag)
- New enemy snowball that can freeze the floors when touched (getting smaller)
- Many elements now have a shadow (like candle and door)
- New bat sound
- Pickups can be inactive, used for runes and coins from diamonds
- Bubbles explode outside the water
- Droid now can also bounce vertically
- In order to unlock the achievement "finish with all lives" one must start from first level
- Coins that vanish disappear via Warping
- Pickups can be active/inactive
- New achievement, finish HBF under 15 minutes
- One can skip the sentence challenge with escape
- System respects the banners order
- Coins from Diamonds are affected by friction, and eventually, they stop
- Runes don't move after they touch the floor
New soil freezing via snowball:
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