Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Graviting in HBF

Some new interesting stuff has been added, like: grass, tails and gravity.

Binaries and sources can be downloaded at the moment from SugarSync,  from readme:

Fixed an issue with ClipLine() when parameters were equal to Width or Height
LineH() was not working properly
Line() was not working properly
TLayer, each possible different tile is now created on demand rather than only one continuously being modified
Sprites now support distortion (incline, etc)
New color blue sky
TFontEx can be read from BigFile
New interface ISurfaceDistortion
Fixed an issue that was freezing surfaces twice when they were created as cached (like shadows)
Added ZShadow (the depth that you want in relation to the main sprite)
Some shadow stuff was wrong
New property TSimpleSprite.Painted which tells after Render() whether the sprite was drawn or not
D3D can render to texture (preliminary)
Fixed overflow bug in TSurface2Poly, scan could excess the surface limits causing random AV

Game now supports different gravities
Rays are generated in real time
Menu is more elegant
Menu screens refactored
Hover now bounces properly
New element grass (affected by wind)
Density can be defined in grass
New pickup Diamond that liberates coins when taken
Removed ApplyUpdate, duplicated property
New interface ISpawn
New class TGravityCoin
Spider does not try to enter energy ball when in immunity mode
Fixed memory leak in mirror
Trying to reduce the number of resources that are created in the game (switching to create on demand approach)
Hero and enemies now cast a shadow
Tuned once again the collision between hero and door
Fog is less foggy
TEnemy,RotatingDie property deleted
Bat refactored, some collision issues fixed
Hero can now have a colored tail
All tile comparisons are done via IsSolid() and IsEmpty()
Hero can't overstep bomb
Slowdown not affected when in immunity
New element Gravity
New interface IGravity
Coins can be affected by Gravity

Coins falling:

Moving grass:

Those arrows invert the current gravity:

Hero's tail:

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