Binaries and sources can be downloaded at the moment from SugarSync.
Latest changes:
- Fixed a memory leak in TSpriteEngine.SpritesAt() when using spatial partitioning
- New TGraphicDriver.Circle() primitive
- Fixed a potential memory leak in TCollisionMatrix
- Hover now shows a different animation when colliding
- Hover was looking for collisions in wrong rectangle
- Mummy now shows a different animation when jumping
- Mummy speed is twice as fast
- Titan now kills non mechanical enemies when rolling over them
- Bat collision improved
- Fixed a weird move in jellyfish
- Blob always jumps to exit from traps
- Droid laser also kills enemies
- Eye laser also kills enemies
- Fish now inherits from TBoundingEnemy
- Flame now behaves like the spike (hides and shows)
- New enemy Hooper
- New door bitmaps
- New enemy hooper
- New map Colors
- Spike bitmap shrink a bit
- Spikes can now be reversed (top to bottom)
- Sounds emitted outside hero's range are discarded
- Explosions and blood die animations last longer
- CorrectGravityOrientation() now properly adjusts the angle to the distance of the target tile
- Now hero is in front of the ladders in the darkness level
- Hero dies in a different way (BTW still not sure)
- Minor map changes
- ApplyGravity property removed, added Gravity.gNone
- Platforms now use the bouncing properties (I'd lost that change in the hard disc failure and hadn't notice it)
New level Colors
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