Saturday, October 2, 2010

Good old times?

Coding on that time was not so easy, I mean, the libraries out there where more than limited, docs, something that today you achieve easily with Google and a click, nowadays the tools are awesome, the memory is huge, the hard disk are almost unlimited, I remember the silly 640kb limitations that somehow could be avoided via XMS or EMS things..., until DOS protected arrived, uh, in that moment Watcom C was the king.

Now I still program in Delphi, is fast and funny, but not so fast when you want to do something as critical as a chess game (for instance), let's see how the story with Delphi finish (Borland, Inprise, Codegear, now Embarcadero), just in case I'm already playing with MS Visual C++ (express edition), and definitely the assembly generated code is much better.

I'm just realizing that I keep changing from subject to subject even in the same post, what a writer...

Well, I will talk for in detail about my projects.

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