unit BB.Screen.Collisions; interface uses Windows, Classes, BB.Screen.Surfaces, BB.Screen.Interfaces, BB.E3D.Interfaces, BB.Types, BB.Screen.Types, BB.E3D.Polygons; type TBoundingBox = (bbFull, bbManual, bbAuto); TCollision = class private FCollisionShape: TCollisionShape; FCollider: ICollider; FBB, FSiluoette, FShape, FCurrentShape: IShape; FAccuracy: TCollisionAccuracy; FBoundingBox: TBoundingBox; function GetEdges: IShape; procedure CheckCollider; function GetAccuracy(aTotal: integer): integer; function GetRect(aShape: IShape): TRect; function GetShape(aShape: TCollisionShape): IShape; function GetBB: IShape; procedure SetCollisionShape(const aValue: TCollisionShape); function TestBB(aCollision: TCollision; out aRectA, aRectB, aOverlap: TRect): boolean; function TestColorKey(const aRectA, aRectB, aOverlap: TRect; aCollision: TCollision; out aX, aY: integer): boolean; procedure SetCurrentShapeAsBB; procedure SetCurrentShapeAsCustom; public constructor Create(aCollider: ICollider); destructor Destroy; override; function Test(aCollision: TCollision; out aX, aY: integer): boolean; procedure Reset; function GetCurrentShape: IShape; property Collider: ICollider read FCollider; property CollisionShape: TCollisionShape read FCollisionShape write SetCollisionShape; property Accuracy: TCollisionAccuracy read FAccuracy write FAccuracy; property BoundingBox: TBoundingBox read FBoundingBox write FBoundingBox; end; implementation uses SysUtils, {Types, }Generics.Collections, BB.Math.Matrix, BB.Math.Vector, BB.E3D.Vertex, BB.Math, BB.Interfaces, BB.Screen, BB.Colors, BB.Utils; { TCollision } constructor TCollision.Create(aCollider: ICollider); begin FCurrentShape := nil; FShape := nil; FBB := nil; FSiluoette := nil; FCollider := aCollider; FAccuracy := caLow; FBoundingBox := bbFull; CollisionShape := csRectangle; end; destructor TCollision.Destroy; begin FSiluoette := nil; FBB := nil; FShape := nil; inherited; end; function TCollision.GetEdges: IShape; begin Exit(IShape(FCollider.GetSurface.GetShape)); end; function TCollision.GetShape(aShape: TCollisionShape): IShape; var nx, ny, ScaledWidth, ScaledHeight, cx, cy, angle, x, y, z, zoom: TFloat; matrix: TMatrix; vertex, vector: TVector; accuracy, i, width, height: integer; surface: ISurface; //bb: TRect; begin FCollider.GetInfo(x, y, z, zoom, angle); surface := FCollider.GetSurface; //width := (bb.Right - bb.Left); //height := (bb.Bottom - bb.Top); width := surface.GetWidth; height := surface.GetHeight; nx := zoom / 100; ny := zoom / 100; case FBoundingBox of bbFull: begin ScaledWidth := width * nx / 2; ScaledHeight := height * ny / 2; end; bbManual, bbAuto: begin ScaledWidth := 0; ScaledHeight := 0; { TODO : bbAuto 0,0,31,31 } end; end; //cx := bb.Left + ScaledWidth; //cy := bb.Top + ScaledHeight; cx := x + ScaledWidth; cy := y + ScaledHeight; matrix := TMatrix.Create(0, 0, -angle); case aShape of csPrecise: begin if FSiluoette = nil then begin FSiluoette := GetEdges; if FSiluoette = nil then Exit(GetShape(csRectangle)); FShape := TPolygon.Create(FSiluoette.GetSides); end; for i := 0 to FSiluoette.GetSides - 1 do begin vector := FSiluoette.GetVertex(i).ClippedVertex; vector.X := vector.X - (Width / 2);//ScaledWidth; vector.Y := vector.Y - (Height / 2);//ScaledHeight; vertex.Rotate(vector, matrix); FShape.GetVertex(i).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + (vertex.X * nx), cy + (vertex.Y * ny), z); end; end; csRhombus: begin // 1 //4 2 // 3 //1 vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(0, -ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(0).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); //2 vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(ScaledWidth, 0, 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(1).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); //3 vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(0, ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(2).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); //4 vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(-ScaledWidth, 0, 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(3).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); end; csRectangle: begin FShape := FBB; end; csCircle: begin accuracy := 360 div GetAccuracy(360); for i := 0 to FShape.GetSides - 1 do begin vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(ScaledWidth * Cos(i * accuracy * RAD), ScaledHeight * Sin(i * accuracy * RAD), 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(i).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); end; end; csTriangle: begin // 1 // //3 2 //1 vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(0, -ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(0).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); //2 vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(ScaledWidth, ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(1).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); //3 vertex.Rotate(TVector.Create(-ScaledWidth, ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FShape.GetVertex(2).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vertex.X, cy + vertex.Y, z); end; csColorKey: begin end; end; result := FShape; end; procedure TCollision.SetCollisionShape(const aValue: TCollisionShape); begin FCollisionShape := aValue; if FShape <> nil then begin FBB := nil; FShape := nil; Reset; end; //Always use Bounding Boxes FBB := TPolygon.Create(4); FCurrentShape := FBB; case FCollisionShape of csRectangle: begin FShape := FBB; end; csRhombus: begin FShape := TPolygon.Create(4); end; csCircle: begin FShape := TPolygon.Create(GetAccuracy(360)); end; csTriangle: begin FShape := TPolygon.Create(3); end; end; end; function TCollision.Test(aCollision: TCollision; out aX, aY: integer): boolean; var sa, sb: IShape; RectA, RectB, overlap: TRect; begin CheckCollider; aCollision.CheckCollider; aX := -1; aY := -1; if (CollisionShape = csNone) or (aCollision.CollisionShape = csNone) or (aCollision = self) then Exit(False); //Fast bounding boxes SetCurrentShapeAsBB; aCollision.SetCurrentShapeAsBB; if not TestBB(aCollision, RectA, RectB, overlap) then Exit(False); if (CollisionShape = csColorKey) and (aCollision.CollisionShape = csColorKey) then Exit(TestColorKey(RectA, RectB, overlap, aCollision, aX, aY)); //Custom collision test SetCurrentShapeAsCustom; aCollision.SetCurrentShapeAsCustom; sa := GetShape(FCollisionShape); sb := aCollision.GetShape(aCollision.FCollisionShape); if (sa = nil) or (sb = nil) then Exit(False); result := sa.Collision(sb, aX, aY) > -1; end; function TCollision.TestBB(aCollision: TCollision; out aRectA, aRectB, aOverlap: TRect): boolean; begin aRectA := GetRect(GetBB); aRectB := GetRect(aCollision.GetBB); result := IntersectRect(aOverlap, aRectA, aRectB); end; function TCollision.TestColorKey(const aRectA, aRectB, aOverlap: TRect; aCollision: TCollision; out aX, aY: integer): boolean; { TODO : -bpp -optimize } var xb, yb, xa, ya, i, j, width, height: integer; BufferB, BufferA: pointer; ColorKeyB, ColorKeyA: cardinal; SurfaceB, SurfaceA: ISurface; begin result := False; width := aOverlap.Right - aOverlap.Left - 1; height := aOverlap.Bottom - aOverlap.Top - 1; //Self if aRectA.Left < aOverlap.Left then xa := aOverlap.Left - aRectA.Left else xa := 0; if aRectA.Top < aOverlap.Top then ya := aOverlap.Top - aRectA.Top else ya := 0; //Other if aRectB.Left < aOverlap.Left then xb := aOverlap.Left - aRectB.Left else xb := 0; if aRectB.Top < aOverlap.Top then yb := aOverlap.Top - aRectB.Top else yb := 0; SurfaceB := aCollision.FCollider.GetSurface; SurfaceA := FCollider.GetSurface; SurfaceA.Lock([lfRead], nil); SurfaceB.Lock([lfRead], nil); try ColorKeyA := SurfaceA.GetColorKey; ColorKeyB := SurfaceB.GetColorKey; j := height; while j >= 0 do begin i := width; while i >= 0 do begin BufferA := SurfaceA.GetAddress(xa + i, ya + j); BufferB := SurfaceB.GetAddress(xb + i, yb + j); if (PCardinal(BufferA)^ <> ColorKeyA) and (PCardinal(BufferB)^ <> ColorKeyB) then begin aX := aOverlap.Left + i; aY := aOverlap.Top + j; Exit(True); end; Dec(i); end; Dec(j); end; finally SurfaceB.UnLock(nil); SurfaceA.Unlock(nil); end; end; function TCollision.GetAccuracy(aTotal: integer): integer; begin case FAccuracy of caLow: begin result := Round(aTotal * 0.15); end; caHigh: begin result := Round(aTotal * 0.65); end; caMax: begin result := aTotal; end else result := Round(aTotal * 0.40); end; end; function TCollision.GetBB: IShape; var nx, ny, ScaledWidth, ScaledHeight, cx, cy, angle, x, y, z, zoom: TFloat; matrix: TMatrix; vector: TVector; surface: ISurface; //bb: TRect; width, height: integer; begin FCollider.GetInfo(x, y, z, zoom, angle); surface := FCollider.GetSurface; //width := (bb.Right - bb.Left); //height := (bb.Bottom - bb.Top); width := surface.GetWidth; height := surface.GetHeight; nx := zoom / 100; ny := zoom / 100; ScaledWidth := width * nx / 2; ScaledHeight := height * ny / 2; //cx := bb.Left + ScaledWidth; //cy := bb.Top + ScaledHeight; cx := x + ScaledWidth; cy := y + ScaledHeight; matrix := TMatrix.Create(0, 0, -angle); //1 2 // //4 3 //1 vector.Rotate(TVector.Create(-ScaledWidth, -ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FBB.GetVertex(0).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vector.X, cy + vector.Y, z); //2 vector.Rotate(TVector.Create(ScaledWidth, -ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FBB.GetVertex(1).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vector.X, cy + vector.Y, z); //3 vector.Rotate(TVector.Create(ScaledWidth, ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FBB.GetVertex(2).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vector.X, cy + vector.Y, z); //4 vector.Rotate(TVector.Create(-ScaledWidth, ScaledHeight, 0), matrix); FBB.GetVertex(3).ClippedVertex := TVector.Create(cx + vector.X, cy + vector.Y, z); result := FBB; end; function TCollision.GetCurrentShape: IShape; begin Exit(FCurrentShape); end; procedure TCollision.SetCurrentShapeAsCustom; begin FCurrentShape := FShape; end; procedure TCollision.SetCurrentShapeAsBB; begin //Fast Bounding Boxes FCurrentShape := FBB; end; function TCollision.GetRect(aShape: IShape): TRect; var v: TVector; i: Integer; begin v := aShape.GetVertex(0).ClippedVertex; result.Left := Trunc(v.X); result.Right := result.Left; result.Top := Trunc(v.Y); result.Bottom := result.Top; for i := 1 to aShape.GetSides - 1 do begin v := aShape.GetVertex(i).ClippedVertex; if v.X < result.Left then result.Left := Trunc(v.X) else if v.X > result.Right then result.Right := Trunc(v.X); if v.Y < result.Top then result.Top := Trunc(v.Y) else if v.Y > result.Bottom then result.Bottom := Trunc(v.Y); end; end; procedure TCollision.Reset; begin FSiluoette := nil; end; procedure TCollision.CheckCollider; begin if FCollider = nil then raise Exception.Create('Collider not assigned'); end; end.
Thanks to SyntaxHighlighter http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/manual/themes/
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