Found binaries at OneDrive
- New TSpriteEngine.SpritesAt<T: class>(const aRect: TRect; aCallback: TSpriteCallback<T>): boolean; very helpful
- Removed speed stuff from Camera2D
- New TDummySprite.IsEmpty() true when surface is not created yet
- New collision method with callback for detailed info
- Added some optimizations to the collision system
- New camera.Lerp() and CameraHelper ideas
- New property TDummySprite.TickCadency (tick and render calls can now be different)
- New CameraLerp helper
- New TCamera2D SetWindow() and InsideWindow(), useful for camera lerp
- Maps now can indicate a custom colorkey
- Tiles outside the camera view are also update (not rendered)
- Laser now can have zoom
- New property TSprite.AlphaSpeed
- When a sprite is attached to another one, horizontal and vertical speeds are set to zero
- TBigFile file search functions improved
- Now .ani files can setup the bounding boxes (rectangle for collisions)
- New TSurface.SetBB() to manually define it
- New TRGB.Blend()
- TAnimationSprite refactored, it was quite a mess...
- Fixed a bug when saving a layer with assigned colorkey
- Debug property removed from SpriteEngine and Sprite
- TLayer, when map has no width or no height it does not do anything
- 2d particle engine finished
- New TSurface.Desintegrate()
- New TSurface.CreateChannels()
- Nasty bug where textures already freed were used in screen buffers
- Now Rectangles can have an angle
- Now Shadow property is assigned only when Engine is assigned
- Static sprites do not reach collision matrix
- Collision grid can now be shared among different engines
- If a leyer, if an animation has only one frame and cell tile has changed then animation is updated with the new info
- Z selection bar from TMenu is now taken from Z Font
- Heavy use of new function SpritesAt<T>()
- Main menu is now easier to use
- When beetle touches a mechanic enemy it changes its direction
- Long silly bug, I was not counting rotating coins...
- Music after pause could not be not recovered
- Ticks also count when game is locked (not paused)
- All screens can be skipped with jump Key
- When game is paused messages cannot be skipped
- Finally shadows are cast properly when no tiles behind
- Coins and key info now is back to main game structure
- Time achievement changed from 15 to 20 minutes
- New concave collisions (experimental)
- Fixed an issue with the collision of the balls
- Improved triggering code
- UFO has now a different texture
- Side tiles do not cast shadows (avoids ugly shadows...)
- When hero lands there is a quake
- New tiles arriving! :-) (big thanks goes to
- Quake new parameter Intensity
- Gatashi laser now uses the zoom
- Weird enemy now properly works at any speed
- New element fly
- Now arrows when hitting mechanic or indestructible entities it will fall like it does when hitting arrows
- Now arrows get nailed to entities when they are hit (and normal)
- Steps in catchers can now be configured
- New TGameSprite.Ready() to make easy "one time" calls (executed after all published properties are parsed)
- Post do not way for input
- Web and wheel textures changed
- Bubbles rotate a bit while moving up
- Bomb texture changed
- New enemy Fire Skeleton (testing it...)
- Fixed an issue when on platform and gravity changes
- New hero texture (experiment...)
- Game does not longer needs file
- Now Horus looks different
- The first level is no longer shown in the continue option menu
- Foot steps on platforms and tiles is now calculated on the fly analyzing the bitmap
- Weird texture looks different
- New enemy rat
- New enemy serpent
- Now after a fight is win then hero gets immunity
- Triggers can now make visible/invisible the layers and background
- Door is got a starfield
- Bubbles can catch mechanical enemies
- A level can have now many waterfalls
- The music volume in the settings was ignored
- When Gatashi throws its laser it creates a quake
- Gatashi stays one second without moving at the beginning of the level
- Debug property added to TGameSprite
- Hero dies in a totally new way (I believe much cooler)
- Hero dying code improved
- New enemy Penguin
- Finally the game creates all entities via rtti and attributes (hooray!)
- New element troya horse
- Bat does not longer gets stick in walls
- When hero lands on a platform the quake intensity depends on impulse
- Now Gatashi also bleeds
- Gravity can also affect pushable objects
- Minor map changes
- Doors can now be fake, beware!
- Now ending is done in a proper way
- Fixed an issue when in TSea splash was too heavy
- Scepter replaces book
- New blood textures
- New enemy robot
- New element Rainbow
- Hud objects do not cast shadows
- Some Z priorities changed
- Fixed a bug with achievement "all runes"
- New element Bell and achievement
- When Gatashi heats an ice cube it changes to another tile
- When HBF dies drowned particles are blue
- Entities that emit light in darkness are properly tagged
- Flash effect now takes a color as parameter
- More background tiles
- Focus can now point up and down
- Droid laser now also shakes
- Lava kill spider web