- Screens code refactored
- New method IDriving. JumpTogether()
- Added some fading in menus
- Better use of IBubble rather than TTBubbleSpawner
- Trail now has a timeout of 10 seconds
- More animated tiles in backgtounds
- Fade speed can be adjusted via game property
- Normal and mechanic enemies can now be crushed by moving items
- Some class cast changed to IGameSprite
- Weird uses different colors
- All pickups now execute their specific code
- Some pickup specific code moved to its corresponding class
- New IDoor and IProfile interfaces
- All own counters removed and now using Ticks
- Gatashi flapping sound stops after he dies
- Many new background s
- More stuff moved into Tick() rathern than Render()
- Fight sets zoom to 100 by default
- New LaserGrid element, beware
- Stone does not rotate when on top of a carry item
- Achievements update is not called every frame but on certain triggers
- Fixed an issue where an achievement could also be valid for next level
- Some maps changes
- New interface ISettings
- TSettings is no longer a singleton class
- Shadows are cast only if there is a solid block behind
- Background effects, autofit, seamless, etc can be configured from editor
- New class TVehicle
- TCardRide now inherits from TVehicle
- Fixed a bug while walking on top a vehicle
- New enemy UFO
- New enemy Thing
- New enemy Horus
- Any entity can use vehicles not just hero
- New property GameSprite.Child, TVehicle uses it in order to know who is using the vehicle
- New animation when hero is landing
- Cardride now set its own state properly
- New status ssLanding, hero uses it
- Fixed a bug where unlocking coin achievement could be applied to next level
- Manual timeout is not override with value equal one if there is no configuration
- New property in Sprite ShadowZoomDelta
- TSprite.HandlerTriggers() is now executed on Tick()
- New Ticks counter
- Tick() is no longer attached to sprite engine but to the own sprite render
- New interface IData is related to ITag in order to pass info to objects
- New interface ISpriteEngine
- New property TGraphicDriver.BuffersUsed
- Removed all *2 variables for keeping values and now all is done properly when paused via Tick()
- Tick() now also handles sleep/timeout/speed aspects
- Beam size of Laser can now be adjusted
- TLevels has now some new handy methods like Previous, IsCompleted, First, Last and Next
New backgrounds)