All binaries should be at skydrive
- New Engine.Debug property (it set all related sprites to debug)
- TLayer.Trace() could raise a AV since under certain conditions a cell can be null
- Events from sprites moved to their own new class TEvents
- Screen buffers size is now a property
- Final boss getting better
- When final boss dies he liberates the key
- Final boss has a new sound when flapping the wings
- SpriteFactory now gets IGameServices rather than many properties
- Arrows behave better against bullets
- New enemy mine, it has a gravity factor of 2 and kills Enemies
- Finally rays have a pillar
- New trigger method ItemOffset() in order to change the current tile
- Die sound is more calm (it was too loud)
- New horizontal trap doors
- Bomb has a gravity factor of 2
- One can observe the rendered tiles (used in final boss for heating ice)
- New method PreciseCollideAgainstTiles(): bool which tests 8 precise collisions
- GravitySwitcher now publishes Flashing and Quake duration properties
- Mirror checks for obstacles (if there is an obstacle then the sprite cannot be mirrored)
- Stalactite, flame and wall now properly check for collisions (not only for spatial partitioning)
- Droid,eye and final boss heats the special ice cubes and also mechanic enemies
- Eye now publishes initial angle and laser color
- Arrows are now enemies
- Candle vanish slowly
- New Focus element (used in Colors screen)
- Focus color can now be set as and mask via DirectColor attribute
- Spotlight now slows down also enemies
- Published attributes can now also be enumerators
- Spider web when touching sprites they get locked until the web disappears
- SLOW_VAR removed, instead SpeedFactor is used
- Runes are now shown in the achievements menu and not in the hud
- Observers are cleared properly otherwise AV
- Candle new property off so when true it won't emit light when in darkness
- A bit clever approach for the sounds pool
- Fixed a small issue with the steps when taking the key
- Now when the default resolution does not work, the game properly restarts at 1024x768