Saturday, January 1, 2022

ChessKISS 1.8b oh well, I could not resist it

Happy new year unknown visitor!

I found some more bugs (I'm sure there are more, but man they are so difficult to catch)
  • Now Board.CanTraverse() uses bitboards 
  • Now bishops and rooks can pin pieces and get some bonus
  • Tropism values changed
  • Aspiration Window sizes are now vectorized
  • New TUtils.IsDiagonal()
  • Board.IsRepetition() improved to match the sides for current play 
  • Fixed some issues with mobility and x-rays
Find the new binaries at OneDrive


  1. Replies
    1. Does it work for you Gabor? It doesn't work under Cutechess. Also, it loses on time under WB (after crashing in the middle of the game).
      No problems with v1.7

    2. It crashed for me when I was using an ultra fast TC of 10s plus a 50 ms increment in Arena, but 1 min plus 1 second increment seemed OK, as did 40 moves in 1 minute. I also had trouble getting it to work properly in CuteChess (GUI version). It would play a few moves, then disconnect, both with x moves in y minutes and x minutes plus y seconds increment time controls.

      Also, if anyone has version 1.8a I wouldn't mind getting a hold of that.

  2. I will download and try Cutechess, since on my winboard always works.

    Yep, my mistake that I didn't change the internal version. :(

  3. I've fixed the issue with the time control when in seconds (I never tought about play in seconds :-)

    About the issue with CuteChess, I've to invstigate more, my engine sends the proper move when it seems that for whatever reason the connection is lost.

    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 1 -3 0 40 Ra1d1 Qf6g6
    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 2 -3 0 79 Ra1d1 Qf6g6 Re3e2
    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 3 -3 0 116 Ra1d1 Qf6g6 Re3e2 Ra7b7
    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 4 -3 0 179 Ra1d1 Qf6g6 Re3e2 Ra7b7 Re2e1
    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 5 -3 0 771 Ra1d1 Qf6g6 Re3e2 Ra7b7 Re2e1 Rb7c7
    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 6 -3 0 835 Ra1d1 Qf6g6 Re3e2 Ra7b7 Re2e1 Rb7c7 a5
    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 7 -3 0 933 Ra1d1 Qf6g6 Re3e2 Ra7b7 Re2e1 Rb7c7 a5 Be7g5
    09/01/2022 17:39:40, Send: 8 -3 0 1031 Ra1d1 Qf6g6 Re3e2 Ra7b7 Re2e1 Rb7c7 a5 Be7g5 Nf3xg5
    09/01/2022 17:39:43, Send: 9 -10 345 922484 Nc2e1 Qf6g6 Ne1d3 Kg8h8 Ra1g1 f5 e4xf5 Bd7xf5 g4
    09/01/2022 17:39:47, Send: move Nc2e1
    09/01/2022 17:42:34, Received: ?
    09/01/2022 17:42:34, Received: result 0-1

    So this command it is ignored:

    Send: move Nc2e1
